The introduction of the CML Lenders’ Handbook made it a lot easier for lenders to access conveyancing files. The files are jointly owned by the borrower and lender client. The availability of the full file to the lender is further reinforced with signed declarations by the borrower in most mortgage application forms.
Professional Insurers quietly anticipate lenders suffering losses as a result of increased repossessions and a corresponding surge in the number of requests for conveyancers to hand over their files for inspection.
This 30 minute webinar, targeted at COLPs and Heads of Department, focuses on the primary triggers for a lender requesting files from law firms.
Areas covered include:
- High risk areas of Handbook breaches
- Lessons from history
- Insurers view on common areas of claim
- Best practice behaviours to reduce the chances of a file review
Sorry, no more sessions remain in this webinar series.
This webinar took place in the past.
Please feel free to register for other sessions
See What's AvailablePlease Note: Webinars are only available to law firms regulated by CLC or SRA in England and Wales. You must specify the firm that you are working for. Registrations from generic email domains such a or will not be accepted. Click here for more info. Regulators, Lenders and Insurers are welcome to book personal webinars by contacting Lexsure directly.