One of the most popular webinars of 2020 has been updated for 2021.The purpose of this webinar is to offer guidance on where the line is to be drawn between simply relying on the replies to the questions on the conveyancing protocol forms and raising additional enquiries.
The webinar takes attendees through useful wording for pre-contract enquiries which might need to be raised. Consideration is given new questions to be considered in light of new and emerging risks especially in light of COVID-19.
The seminar will include showing the latest knowledge-management technology, whereby additional enquiries are developed and indexed for similar future transactions with similar profiles.
Sorry, no more sessions remain in this webinar series.
This webinar took place in the past.
Please feel free to register for other sessions
See What's AvailablePlease Note: Webinars are only available to law firms regulated by CLC or SRA in England and Wales. You must specify the firm that you are working for. Registrations from generic email domains such a or will not be accepted. Regulators, Lenders and Insurers are welcome to book personal webinars by contacting Lexsure directly.